Sunday, June 21, 2009

Jack's first girlfriend

Every 2 weeks we attend a toddler story time at the library. There are some new kids every time but it's mostly regulars. One little girl has been there since we started going. Her name is Madelyn. She's a blonde girl with chubby little arms and a big smile. Jack runs over to her between songs. During free play they chase eachother around. It's adorable! The last story time Jack started to say Madelyn's name. It sounds like Madedyn when he says it. So we leave story time and he is calling for Madelyn. Then later that day we are at my parents' house and I ask him to tell Bobo about Madelyn. He gets this huge smile on his face and says "Madedyn, she CUTE!" He has been talking about how cute Madelyn is for the past 2 days!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jack amazes me!

Jack turned 19 month old yesterday! And today... He COUNTED!
At his Dr. appointment 2 weeks ago the Dr. told me that most 18 month olds have about 10-12 words. Jack has at least 40, and he learns new words everyday. My little sponge is starting to repeat everything, or try to. He isn't just saying small words like Mama or ball anymore, he says things like pocket, button, monkey, outside, Brigette. He also knows all of his body parts and animal noises.
Today my parents, who Jack calls Nana and Bobo, took him to the playground. They were climbing the stairs to get to the slide and Bobo was counting them as they went. Jack repeated him each time. There were only 6 stairs and after Bobo said 6, Jack said "seben"! EVERY time!!! And later while I was changing his didee(diaper) I started counting with him. I said 1 expecting him to repeat it, but he said 2! I said 3 and he said 4!!!
I just can't tell you how proud I am of him!! I can't believe how fast he learns things. He just amazes me everyday.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Swine Flu

As if I didn't have enough to worry about! My in-laws left on their vacation to Cancun yesterday. And the Swine Flu was in my face everywhere I looked! The Sunday paper, the news, My own parents are freaking out about it as well. My mom keeps sending me articles she finds online and calling me to tell me things she has just heard about it. Like there is even anything I can do about it. People who live in Mexico are walking around wearing masks to protect themselves. People who live in the US are bringing it back with them and spreading it to their loved ones... And my in-laws are in the middle of it all! So now I have to break it to my husband that WE(as in him too) are going to have to avoid his parents like the plague when they return next week. And I'm not even sure how long we should keep our distance.

Becoming a Mom= Becoming Overprotective

My journey as an overprotective mom started about a year and a half ago. That's when I met my baby boy, Jack. I always wanted what was best for him from the beginning. Meeting this helpless little person, all I wanted to do was protect him from everything.

When I was pregnant I wasn't completely sure about breastfeeding. I thought it would feel weird or I would be embarrassed to do it. I told myself I would try it, but gave myself permission to stop at any time. I asked my husband to be supportive, but made him promise not to push me. Jack was a natural! He latched on well and was a very good eater. I made small goals for myself: if I could just make it 3 weeks; now 6 weeks; how about 3 months... It got easier and easier as the days passed! I actually enjoyed doing it! And as a result of our success I had an extremely well mannered baby. I breastfed him until 13 months. I was advised to stop by Jack's allergist because I was eating foods he was allergic to.

Which is a major reason I can't help but be overprotective. Jack is allergic to MILK, EGGS, NUTS and DOGS. I have to read food labels religiously and check websites for ingredients before going out to restaurants. I also have to worry about things like if Jack picks up another kid's sippy cup or touches a toy that someone touched after eating a food he's allergic to.

And I was a little germaphobic to begin with. But now, I can't help but think of what types of things come in contact with EVERYTHING! I think about snot faced kids playing with the toys and books in the store, which leads me to clean even brand new toys. I think about where my husband's shoes go throughout the day, like in public restrooms they pretty much aim at the floor and pee. My neurotic thoughts go on and on like this all the time.